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How to Manage Revenue for Your Business Using Automation


As digital transformation takes over the world of business, automation is among the wide range of technologies completely revolutionizing how companies operate and drive growth. A previous post entitled ‘How AI Can Improve the Way You Run Business’ even points out how process automation is increasingly becoming accessible with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). Since the emerging technology AI is marked by unparalleled efficiency and productivity, it can automate digital and administrative tasks like transferring data, executing financial transactions, and reading legal documents.

But another area where automation is especially crucial is revenue management, as it allows businesses to accurately assess their financial performance and make data-driven decisions on revenue growth. With the variety of revenue management software and tools you can invest in, here’s how automation can help improve your internal revenue processes and strategies for continued growth.

Customer data and insights

While historical data like sales reports and feedback surveys can help inform your revenue strategy, live business intelligence that provides relevant customer data and insights is more important than ever. Thus, businesses utilize customer relationship management (CRM) software to track customer interactions and streamline the lead management process.

Among the free and low-cost tools, Monday Sales CRM has workflow automation features that enable you to identify qualified leads and the highest-yield customers quickly. By determining how customers react to your pricing, inventory control, and sales process, you can adjust your revenue model accordingly and maximize your short- and long-term profits.

Billing systems and processes

Configuring how you invoice your customers, collect and track payments, and manage accounts receivable is also another crucial aspect of managing your revenue sources. In this light, recurring revenue-based businesses must digitize and automate their billing systems for greater efficiency and less room for human error.

Softrax is a comprehensive revenue management solution equipped to handle the increasing complexity of subscription or consumption billing models as your business grows its sales and customer base. As opposed to relying on manual or custom processes like spreadsheets, the software drives a high level of back-office automation through continuous accounting and seamless integration with other automated business technologies like CRM.

Demand forecasting

Aside from utilizing historical data and live business intelligence, you can also deploy automation to enhance your business’s predictive analytics. This involves what Investopedia calls demand forecasting, which helps keep your prices and inventory levels aligned with customers’ needs and expectations.

Although you can forecast consumer interest and demand through time series analysis and qualitative techniques like market research, demand shifts can be unpredictable and reliant on macroeconomic factors and customers’ behavioral changes. Therefore, it’s best to use AI-powered demand forecasting software to predict upcoming business and automatically re-forecast in light of new market conditions.

Competitor analysis

Your business does not operate in a vacuum, with your competitors affecting the success of your revenue models and overall financial performance. While often overlooked, competitor analysis is crucial to staying competitive and maximizing revenue-generating opportunities before you.

Similar to demand forecasting, it can be conducted manually, but you risk time, money, and effort since you can miss out on otherwise qualified leads and market trends. So, you can automate a live feed of competitor data, real-time demand, and upcoming events and trends by setting up alerts on web analytics tools like Google Analytics.

Without a doubt, automation has significant revenue-earning potential as long as you know how to integrate it into your current revenue strategy and management approach. By automating how you monitor customer insights, payments, demands, and competitor data, you cultivate adaptability and agility at the core of your business operations. For more information on technologies and applications you can utilize for your business, feel free to explore the rest of the articles here at Waftr.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Cybersecurity


As our reliance on technology continues to grow, the threat of cyber-attacks has become a pressing issue for both individuals and organizations. Fortunately, integrating artificial intelligence into cybersecurity has emerged as a beacon of hope for safeguarding company assets and preserving user data. Artificial intelligence’s application in cybersecurity offers numerous advantages, such as bolstering our understanding of cyber threats, automating time-consuming tasks, swiftly pinpointing risks, and slashing response times. These benefits enable cybersecurity professionals to focus on more strategic and high-level responsibilities. International Data Corporation (IDC) says AI in the cybersecurity market is growing at a CAGR of 23.6% and will reach a market value of $46.3 billion in 2027.

In this blog, we will explore the pivotal role played by AI in cybersecurity and its potential to revolutionize the security landscape.

The Role of AI Enhancing in Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence has emerged as a game-changer in tackling various cybersecurity risks.AI-powered tools and technologies are revolutionizing the way organizations protect their digital assets. There are many websites available for cybersecurity information. Here are some key ways AI enhances cybersecurity:

1)    Advanced Threat Detection and Prevention

AI’s most crucial role in enhancing cybersecurity is its ability to identify and mitigate advanced threats. Traditional cybersecurity tools often need help to keep pace with the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals. AI-powered systems, on the other hand, excel in recognizing anomalous patterns and behaviors that may indicate a potential threat. Machine learning algorithms can analyze vast datasets and identify deviations from the norm, enabling organizations to detect and respond to threats in real-time.

2)    Predictive Analytics

AI’s predictive capabilities are a game-changer in cybersecurity. AI algorithms can anticipate potential threats and vulnerabilities by analyzing historical data and current trends. This proactive approach allows organizations to fortify their defenses before an attack occurs, reducing the likelihood of successful breaches.

3)    Automated Response

In the fast-paced world of cyber threats, rapid response is essential. AI enables the automation of various security processes, such as incident response and threat remediation. When a security incident is detected, AI systems can take immediate action to contain the threat, minimizing damage and reducing response times. This automation also frees cybersecurity professionals to focus on more complex tasks requiring human expertise.

4)    Third-Party Risk Management

These days, the organization usually collaborates with third-party entities, which increases the chances of third-party risks and calls on the importance of effective third-party risk management. Adopting AI technology doesn’t just improve the efficiency of TPRM programs; it also secures their sustainability in the long run by enabling organizations to address emerging risks proactively. AI, working hand in hand with human expertise, empowers businesses to fortify their supply chains and protect their operations within today’s intricate and interconnected global landscape.

Third-party risk management is a critical component of cybersecurity, and integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into this process brings numerous benefits. Below, we’ll explore the advantages of using AI in third-party risk management:

  • AI-powered third-party risk management solutions offer exceptional efficiency and scalability to manage many relationships effectively, crucial for organizations expanding their partnerships.
  • AI improves risk assessment by reducing false positives, enabling efficient allocation of resources to high-risk third parties while avoiding undue scrutiny of low-risk partners.
  • AI identifies and mitigates risks, empowering organizations to enhance security promptly.

5)    Improved User Authentication

AI has revolutionized user authentication methods. Facial recognition, biometric authentication, and behavioral analysis are AI-driven technologies that enhance user identity verification. These technologies make it more difficult for cybercriminals to impersonate legitimate users and gain unauthorized access to systems and data.

6)    Enhanced Phishing Detection

Phishing remains a prevalent attack vector for cybercriminals. AI-powered email security solutions can analyze email content, sender behavior, and other factors to identify phishing attempts accurately. This helps individuals and organizations avoid falling victim to deceptive email scams.

7)    Big Data Analysis

The sheer volume of data generated in today’s digital world can overwhelm traditional cybersecurity methods. AI’s ability to analyze massive datasets in real-time is invaluable. It can sift through vast amounts of information to identify potential threats, vulnerabilities, and trends that may go unnoticed through manual analysis.

8)    Adaptation to Evolving Threats

Cyber threats constantly evolve, becoming more sophisticated and elusive. AI systems can adapt and learn from new threats, continually improving their ability to defend against emerging attack techniques. This adaptability is a critical advantage in the ongoing battle against cyber threats.

As cyber threats continue to evolve and organizations rely more heavily on third-party relationships, the role of artificial intelligence in enhancing cybersecurity has never been more critical. AI’s ability to identify and predict threats, automate incident response, and improve authentication and access control are invaluable in safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining trust in the digital age. Moreover, AI’s role in third-party risk management offers efficiency, scalability, and proactive risk mitigation, ensuring that organizations can expand their operations while effectively managing the associated risks.

5 Essential Tips for Securing Windows Servers


In today’s business world, the last thing any IT professional needs is a vulnerable server.

Keeping your organization’s servers secure and protected from external threats is essential to a thriving business. Hackers are always looking for a way to access your organization’s most valuable and sensitive information – data.

Data, intellectual property, and sensitive information must always be under virtual lock and key because you never know who is trying to gain access at any given moment.

Minimize the risks and enhance the security of your servers by implementing these five essential tips below:

1. Protect The Superuser Account

When installing Windows Server, Windows will recommend installing the complete version of the operating system. You can agree, or you can choose to only install a custom version – it is up to you.

Once installed, you’ll notice that the default superuser account is called “Administrator.” Most brute force attacks are aimed at this account because it controls all the other accounts, and it has access to the master information on your system.

The best way to secure this account is to rename it to something else that only necessary employees know.

Once that is complete, use intrusion prevention software to monitor login attempts.

2. Configure Windows Firewall

Configuring the Windows Firewall allows you to filter out all untrusted network traffic.

It can seem challenging to wrap your head around initially, but learning how to set it up properly will be a game changer.

Apart from using the Windows Firewall, you should also install a recommended antivirus software to detect and remove cybersecurity threats such as viruses, malware, and other malicious software applications.

3. Data Encryption

Data encryption secures your company’s sensitive information and enhances essential communication security between servers and client applications. When data is encrypted, even if hackers and unauthorized users gain access to it – they won’t be able to read it.

Getting a Windows Server license is easy, and it will allow your organization to access Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption which secures the operating system booting processes and prevents unauthorized access.

Any data transmitted using networks, or the internet, can get encrypted to protect its integrity and ensure digital data confidentiality. Data is big business these days, so guarding it needs to be a priority.

4. Password Policies

A secure password policy is your company’s first line of defense against an attack from the outside world. In Microsoft Active Directory, set up a Group Policy and control the password requirements for your organization.

A strong password needs to be complex so that it is less likely to get cracked. Implement a password policy involving the use of a minimum of ten characters, numbers, symbols, and upper and lower cases.

5. Use Private Networks

With so many employees enjoying remote working privileges, private and virtual private networks are a must. Secure communication and limit access from the outside world by restricting access to selected users only.

That will keep your network exclusively used by known users, making it less susceptible to attacks from hackers. Private networks use private IP addresses to establish communication channels between servers in the same IP range.

Connect to a remote server through a VPN to access the same benefits as a private network, only virtually from almost anywhere in the world.

By following these simple tips above, your systems and networks can be as secure as possible.

Top 10 Casual Games To Play On Your PC


If you believe that sweets can boost your dopamine levels when you’re feeling anxious, tired, or suffocated, then you’re in for a delightful surprise. Just like those mood-lifting treats, casual PC games can brighten your day and provide that much-needed escape from life’s daily challenges. We’re not talking about those intense, high-stress firefighting games that leave you with a pounding headache. 

Instead, we’ve set our sights on simple and casual PC games. They can be enjoyed regardless of their gaming expertise or skill level. To make your quest for the perfect digital diversion easier, we’ve curated a list of the top 10 casual PC games waiting to whisk you to a world of relaxation and fun. Stick with us as we unveil these unsung heroes of the gaming world.

Stardew Valley

Whenever someone thinks about casual PC games, Stardew Valley invariably comes to mind. At its heart, Stardew Valley immerses you in the joys of managing your own farm, from planting crops to brewing your own ale. What sets it apart is its fantastic multiplayer mode, making the farming life even more enjoyable when shared with a friend. 

Yet, Stardew Valley offers more than just farming. If the idea of cultivating crops doesn’t tickle your fancy, you can delve into mysterious caves or try your hand at fishing for extra income. With its cozy atmosphere, enchanting soundtrack, and pixel art graphics, this captivating PC game is the go to resource for everyone. 


Minesweeper, a timeless classic in the world of PC gaming, needs no introduction. It’s a game that’s been captivating players for decades with its deceptively simple premise and addictive gameplay. In Minesweeper, your mission is clear: uncover all the hidden mines on a grid while avoiding detonating any of them. The game’s appeal lies in its elegant blend of strategy and luck. 

With every click, you’re presented with vital clues about the location of nearby mines. Armed with deduction and a bit of intuition, you gradually clear the board square by square, creating a safe path through the minefield. What makes this top PC game truly engaging is its ever-present element of risk. When you successfully flag all the mines or reveal that last safe square, the rush of satisfaction is unparalleled. So, play Minesweeper online today to test your intelligence and skills.

Slime Rancher 

Slime Rancher, a delightful and quirky game, invites players into a charming world where ranching isn’t just about cattle and crops but adorable and colorful slimes. Developed by Monomi Park, Slime Rancher offers a refreshing take on the farming simulation genre, combining elements of exploration, management, and pure whimsy. In Slime Rancher, you assume the role of Beatrix LeBeau, a plucky, spacefaring rancher with dreams of prosperity. 

Your mission is to explore the vast, alien landscape of the Far, Far Range, capturing various slimes and raising them on your ranch. These slimes come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique behaviors and characteristics. The game’s appeal is not just in ranching but in the joy of collecting and experimenting with your newfound slime friends. 

Cozy Grove

Cozy Grove, a tranquil and heartwarming game, transports players to a mystical and ever-changing island inhabited by adorable, ghostly animal spirits. Developed by Spry Fox, this game offers a unique blend of life simulation and exploration wrapped in a cozy, comforting art style. In Cozy Grove, you play as a “Spirit Scout,” helping the restless spirits find peace and move on from the island. 

As you explore the island, you’ll uncover the stories and secrets of these lovable spirits one day at a time. The gameplay is designed to be savored over an extended period as the island gradually reveals its mysteries. The art style of Cozy Grove is reminiscent of a cozy, hand-drawn storybook, creating a warm and inviting visual experience. 


Minecraft unleashes the boundless realm of imagination, where your gaming destiny is shaped solely by your whims. Whether you’re a budding architect yearning to construct awe-inspiring structures or an intrepid explorer navigating the wilds of the procedurally generated universe, Minecraft caters to your every gaming desire. 

Fly solo and bask in the satisfaction of personal achievement, or invite friends to share in the adventure – Minecraft thrives in solitary and cooperative realms. It’s an enduring classic that effortlessly earns its spot among the finest easy games, a world where creativity knows no bounds and excitement knows no limits. 


Who doesn’t know about the ever-enchanting game of Tetris? It’s a name that resonates with generations of gamers worldwide, transcending time and technology. Tetris challenges players with a deceptively straightforward task at its core: fitting falling blocks together to create complete rows. 

The elegance of Tetris lies in its accessibility; anyone can pick it up and play, but mastering it requires finesse and lightning-fast decision-making. As the game progresses, the blocks fall swiftly, increasing the pressure and excitement. Tetris’s universal appeal lies in its ability to tap into the primal joy of solving puzzles. 


This delightful digital game made its debut in August 2021 on PC. In Townscaper, you wield a virtual palette of vibrant colors to place blocks on a unique and irregular grid. What happens next is pure magic: the game’s ingenious algorithm transforms these simple blocks into a whimsical array of charming houses, arches, stairways, bridges, and lush green backyards, depending on your block placement. Unlike traditional games with set objectives and narratives, Townscaper is a different breed. So give it a try now.

The Sims 4

This one is bound to be mind-blowing for you because The Sims 4 is not just a game; it’s a portal to a world where the boundaries of creativity and simulation dissolve into sheer magic. In The Sims 4, you are the ultimate puppeteer, crafting and orchestrating your Sims’ lives in an intricately simulated universe. 

These virtual beings are more than characters; they are your canvas for expression. You have the power to shape their physical appearances, mold their personalities, and ignite their dreams and aspirations. But the allure doesn’t end there – you’re also the master architect, designing homes and entire communities that spring to life beneath your creative touch.


It’s another game that needs no introduction: Fortnite, a global sensation that has taken the gaming world by storm. Fortnite’s core gameplay revolves around a battle royale format, where 100 players are dropped onto an ever-shrinking island. The goal? 

Be the last one standing. It’s a high-stakes game of strategy, skill, and adaptability, where building structures and gunplay go hand in hand. But this engaging PC game isn’t just about the battle royale mode. It features an ever-evolving narrative with live in-game events that keep players eagerly anticipating what’s next. 


So here it is, the last gem in our list: Roblox, an expansive virtual universe that defies conventional definitions of gaming. Roblox is a platform, a community, and a creative space all rolled into one. Players, known as “Robloxians,” can create games using the platform’s development tools. These games span a vast range of genres, from action and adventure to simulation and role-playing. Roblox also has a strong educational component, with various games and experiences designed to teach coding, game design, and digital creativity. 

How to Create WhatsApp Channels on Android and iPhone


WhatsApp, the popular messaging app used by billions worldwide, has introduced a new feature called “WhatsApp Channels.” This feature allows users to broadcast messages, photos, videos, and other content to a large audience, similar to a one-way communication channel. WhatsApp Channels are available on both iPhone and Android devices.

Understanding WhatsApp Channels

WhatsApp Channels is a powerful new feature that offers users a number of benefits, including:

  • One-way communication: WhatsApp Channels is primarily a broadcasting tool, which means that admins can send messages to their followers without receiving replies. This is ideal for businesses, organizations, and individuals who want to share updates with a large audience without getting bogged down in conversations.
  • Privacy: WhatsApp Channels are designed to be private and secure. When you follow a channel, your phone number is hidden from both the admin and other followers. Similarly, if you’re the admin of a channel, your phone number and profile picture are hidden from your followers.
  • Control: Admins have full control over their channels. They can decide who can follow their channel, what type of content they want to share, and when they want to send messages.

Preparing to Create WhatsApp Channels

Before diving into the creation process, it’s essential to ensure that the feature is available in your location and on your WhatsApp account. WhatsApp has officially announced the rollout of WhatsApp Channels, but it may not be accessible to all users immediately. Keep in mind that certain features, such as the ability to create a new channel, may not be accessible to everyone right away. If your account is eligible to create a WhatsApp channel, follow the steps below.

How to Create a WhatsApp Channel on iPhone

Creating a WhatsApp Channel on your iPhone is a breeze with these straightforward steps:

Step 1: Update Your WhatsApp App

Ensure that your WhatsApp app is up to date on your iPhone. To do this, open the app and navigate to the “Updates” tab.

Step 2: Access the ‘Create Channel’ Option

On the “Updates” screen, tap the (+) icon and select “Create Channel.”

Step 3: Get Started

Next, tap the “Get Started” button on the following screen.

Step 4: Follow the On-Screen Prompts

Proceed through a series of on-screen prompts as guided by the app.

Step 5: Add a Channel Name

To complete the creation of your WhatsApp Channel, add a name. Remember, you can customize your channel later if necessary. Once you’re done, tap on the “Create Channel” button.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created a WhatsApp Channel on your iPhone. If you encounter issues or do not see the option to create a new channel on WhatsApp for iPhone, exercise patience and wait a few more weeks for the feature to become available on your device.

How to Create a WhatsApp Channel on Android

Creating a WhatsApp Channel on your Android device is equally simple, provided you have the latest version of the WhatsApp app. Follow these steps to create a WhatsApp Channel on Android:

Step 1: Update WhatsApp

First, make sure you are using the most up-to-date version of the WhatsApp app. Head to the Google Play Store, search for WhatsApp, open the relevant app listing, and tap on “Update.”

Step 2: Open WhatsApp

Once the app has been updated, open it and go to the “Updates” tab.

Step 3: Create Channel

On the “Updates” tab, tap the (+) icon and select “Create Channel.”

Step 4: Continue

On the next screen, tap “Continue.”

Step 5: Follow Prompts

Proceed through the on-screen prompts as instructed.

Step 6: Add Channel Name

To finalize the creation of your channel, add a name. You can further customize your channel by adding descriptions and icons. Finally, click on the “Create Channel” button.

Step 7: Start Using Your New Channel

Your WhatsApp Channel is now ready for use.

That’s all there is to it! You’ve successfully created a WhatsApp Channel on your Android smartphone. If you do not see the option to create a channel on WhatsApp, please be patient and wait a few more weeks for the feature to become available on your device.

Expanding Your WhatsApp Channel Experience

Once you’ve created your WhatsApp Channel, there’s so much more you can do to enhance your experience. You can create as many channels as you need, tailor them to your preferences, and follow the updates that matter most to you.

Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about WhatsApp Channels:

1. What are WhatsApp Channels?

WhatsApp Channels are a new feature on the WhatsApp messaging platform that allow administrators to send important updates, messages, images, videos, and other content to a group of followers in a manner similar to broadcasting. They are designed to provide a simple, reliable, and private way for individuals and organizations to communicate with their audience.

2. How are WhatsApp Channels different from regular WhatsApp groups?

WhatsApp Channels differ from regular groups in several ways:

  • Broadcasting Tool: Channels are primarily a broadcasting tool, with administrators sending messages to followers without the need for two-way communication.
  • Dedicated Section: Channels have a dedicated section for following different channels, separate from regular chats.
  • Privacy: WhatsApp Channels prioritize user privacy. Following a channel does not reveal your phone number to the admin or other followers, and as a channel admin, your phone number remains private.

3. How do I create a WhatsApp Channel on iPhone?

To create a WhatsApp Channel on an iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Update your WhatsApp app to the latest version.
  2. Open the app and go to the “Updates” tab.
  3. Tap the (+) icon and select “Create Channel.”
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts, including adding a channel name.
  5. Tap “Create Channel” to finish the process.

Please note that the availability of this feature may vary based on your location and account status.

4. How do I create a WhatsApp Channel on Android?

Creating a WhatsApp Channel on Android is similar to the iPhone process:

  1. Ensure your WhatsApp app is updated to the latest version from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open WhatsApp and navigate to the “Updates” tab.
  3. Tap the (+) icon and select “Create Channel.”
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts, including adding a channel name.
  5. Tap “Create Channel” to complete the process.

Again, availability may vary depending on your location and account status.

5. Can I customize my WhatsApp Channel after creating it?

Yes, you can customize your WhatsApp Channel even after its creation. You can modify the channel name, add descriptions, and include icons to tailor it to your preferences. Simply go to your channel settings to make these adjustments.

6. Are WhatsApp Channels available to all users?

WhatsApp Channels are gradually rolling out, and availability may vary. Not all users may have access to this feature immediately. If you don’t see the option to create a WhatsApp Channel, be patient, as it should become available to more users over time.

7. Is there a limit to how many WhatsApp Channels I can create?

WhatsApp allows you to create as many Channels as you need. There is no specific limit to the number of Channels you can manage.

8. Can I use WhatsApp Channels for personal communication?

WhatsApp Channels are primarily designed for broadcasting important updates and messages to a group of followers. While they can be used for personal communication, their primary purpose is to facilitate one-way communication from administrators to followers.

9. How do I follow a WhatsApp Channel?

To follow a WhatsApp Channel, simply locate the channel you’re interested in and tap the “Follow” or equivalent button. You’ll then receive updates and messages from that channel.

10. Is there a way to leave or unfollow a WhatsApp Channel?

Yes, you can leave or unfollow a WhatsApp Channel at any time. Simply go to the channel settings and select the option to unfollow or leave the channel. You will no longer receive updates from that channel.

These FAQs should provide you with a better understanding of WhatsApp Channels and how to use them effectively. If you have any more questions or need assistance, feel free to ask.

If you require further assistance or have questions about creating WhatsApp Channels on Android or iPhone, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help you unlock the full potential of this exciting feature. Happy channel creating!

How to Set Up a Contact Poster for a Contact in iPhone in iOS 17


The world of mobile technology is constantly evolving, and with each new iteration of iOS, Apple unveils exciting features that enhance our digital lives. One such feature that debuted with iOS 17 is the Contact Poster, a dynamic digital business card that empowers iPhone users to share their contact information in a visually appealing and personalized way. Gone are the days of sharing plain text or vCard files; with Contact Posters, you can showcase your personality, style, and professionalism with just a few taps on your screen.

Setting Up a Contact Poster for a Contact on iPhone in iOS 17

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to personalize your Contact Poster on your iPhone. We’ll explore various customization options, from choosing the perfect image to adding filters and sharing your masterpiece with friends, colleagues, and potential contacts. By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to create a Contact Poster that truly represents you and makes a lasting impression.

Setting Up a Contact Poster for a Contact in iOS 17

Now that you understand the importance of Contact Posters and how they can help you make a lasting impression, it’s time to dive into the practical steps of setting up a Contact Poster for a contact in iOS 17. Follow these straightforward instructions to create a personalized digital business card for yourself or anyone in your Contacts list:

1. Open the Contacts App:
Begin by unlocking your iPhone and locating the Contacts app on your home screen. The app icon resembles a silhouette of a person.

2. Find the Contact:
Once you’re in the Contacts app, scroll, or search for the contact for whom you want to create a Contact Poster. Tap on their name to access their contact details.

3. Access Contact Photo & Poster:
With the contact’s details open, you’ll see various options for editing their information. To set up a Contact Poster, tap on “Contact Photo & Poster.” This will open a menu specifically for managing the Contact Poster.

4. Enter Editing Mode:
To start customizing the Contact Poster, tap the “Edit” button. This will allow you to make changes to the existing poster or create a new one from scratch.

5. Create a New Poster:
Under the “Poster” section, you will find an option to “Create New.” Tap on this option to begin the process of creating a brand-new Contact Poster.

6. Choose an Image Source:
iOS 17 offers multiple image sources for your Contact Poster. You can select an image from your device’s camera, your photo library, a Memoji, or even create a simple monogram. Depending on your choice, tap the relevant option.

7. Customize Your Poster:
Now comes the fun part – customizing your Contact Poster to your liking. Here’s what you can do:a. Change the Image: If you’ve selected an image, tap on it to change it or apply a filter for a unique look.b. Edit Text: Tap on the text to change the font, size, and color to match your style.c. Position the Image: Use two fingers to zoom in and out or to drag the image around on the screen to achieve the desired composition.

8. Save Your Changes:
Once you’ve fine-tuned your Contact Poster to your satisfaction, tap “Done” to save your changes. Your personalized Contact Poster is now ready to be shared.

Setting up a Contact Poster for a contact in iOS 17 is a straightforward process that allows you to create a unique and visually appealing digital business card. Whether you’re preparing a Contact Poster for yourself or helping a friend or colleague enhance their digital presence, these steps will ensure that you can make the most of this exciting iOS 17 feature. With a personalized Contact Poster, you’re well-equipped to make memorable connections and streamline your digital networking efforts.

Choosing an Image for Your Contact Poster

The foundation of your Contact Poster is the image you choose to represent yourself. This image should be high-quality, well-lit, and in focus to ensure a professional and appealing appearance. Here are some tips for selecting the ideal image:

  1. Quality Matters: Begin by selecting a high-resolution image that captures your best features. A clear, sharp image will make a strong first impression.
  2. Lighting is Key: Opt for well-lit photos that showcase your face clearly. Adequate lighting can significantly enhance the quality of your image.
  3. Smile for the Camera: If you’re using a photo of yourself, ensure that you have a pleasant and approachable expression. A friendly smile can go a long way in building connections.
  4. Professional Headshot: For a polished and business-oriented Contact Poster, consider using a professional headshot. This is particularly relevant if your poster will be shared with potential clients or colleagues.
  5. Reflect Your Style: Your image should reflect your personal style or profession. Whether you prefer a formal, casual, or creative look, your image should align with your identity.

Customizing the Text on Your Contact Poster

The text on your Contact Poster provides essential information, such as your name, contact details, and any additional details you’d like to share. To make your Contact Poster stand out, you can customize the text in various ways:

  1. Font Customization: Tap on the Text button at the bottom of the screen to access font options. Choose a font that resonates with your style and personality.
  2. Text Size Adjustment: Use the A button to change the size of the text. Make sure your text is legible and aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Color Palette: Personalize the color of your text by tapping on the Color button. Select a color that complements your image and adds visual interest.
  4. Emojis and Stickers: For an extra touch of personality, consider adding emojis or stickers to your Contact Poster. These elements can convey your mood, interests, or even your sense of humor.

Adding Filters to Your Contact Poster

Filters can transform the mood and style of your Contact Poster by adjusting the brightness, contrast, and color balance of your image. Here’s how you can apply filters:

  1. Filter Selection: Tap on the Filter button at the bottom of the screen to access a range of filters. Experiment with different filters to find the one that enhances your image’s appeal.
  2. Intensity Adjustment: Customize the filter’s intensity by dragging the slider at the bottom of the screen. This allows you to fine-tune the visual impact of the filter.

Sharing Your Contact Poster with Others

Now that you’ve crafted a personalized Contact Poster that reflects your identity and style, it’s time to share it with others. iOS 17 makes sharing your Contact Poster a breeze, offering multiple options to reach your contacts:

  1. Tap on the Share Button: Locate the Share button in the top-right corner of the screen. This is your gateway to spreading the word about your Contact Poster.
  2. Select Your Sharing Method: You have several options for sharing your Contact Poster, each tailored to your preferences:a. Messages: If you prefer a direct and instant connection, choose Messages. Your poster will be sent as a message attachment, allowing the recipient to view your contact information conveniently.b. Mail: Opt for Mail if you want to share your Contact Poster via email. Your recipient will receive an email containing your Contact Poster, making it easy to save or forward to others.c. AirDrop: For seamless sharing between Apple devices, AirDrop is the way to go. Ensure that your recipient has an iPhone or other compatible Apple device, and then use AirDrop for a quick transfer.

Advanced Customization Options

  • Exploring Font Styles: Dive deeper into the font customization options available for your Contact Poster, showcasing various font styles and their potential impact on your digital business card’s appearance.
  • Enhancing Text with Emojis: Discuss how emojis and stickers can be used creatively to convey personality and add a touch of uniqueness to your Contact Poster’s text.
  • Mastering Image Filters: Provide a step-by-step guide on how to choose and apply the perfect image filter to achieve specific visual effects, such as vintage, black and white, or artistic filters.

Tips for the Perfect Contact Poster

  • Optimizing Image Resolution: Offer expert tips on selecting the right image resolution to ensure your Contact Poster looks sharp and professional on all devices.
  • Balancing Personal and Professional: Provide advice on how to strike the right balance between a personal touch and maintaining a professional image in your Contact Poster.
  • Consistency Across Platforms: Explain the importance of ensuring that your Contact Poster maintains consistency across different platforms and devices.

Troubleshooting and FAQs

  • Common Issues: Address common issues users might encounter while creating or sharing Contact Posters and provide troubleshooting tips.
  • Compatibility: Clarify which iOS devices support Contact Posters and what to do if you want to share your poster with someone using a non-iOS device.
  • Privacy Concerns: Discuss privacy considerations related to sharing contact information digitally and how iOS handles privacy in Contact Posters.

Sharing Beyond iOS

  • Exporting as vCard: Explain how to export your Contact Poster as a vCard for compatibility with non-iOS devices and other platforms.
  • Cross-Platform Sharing: Provide guidance on sharing your Contact Poster via social media platforms or through email signatures for a broader online presence.

The Future of Contact Posters

  • Upcoming Features: Speculate or discuss any potential future developments or updates related to Contact Posters in iOS.
  • Integration with Third-Party Apps: Explore the possibilities of Contact Poster integration with third-party apps for business networking and marketing purposes.

Ready to Set Up a Contact Poster for a Contact in iOS 17?

In the era of digital networking and communication, personalization is key to making memorable connections. iOS 17’s Contact Posters enable you to stand out by presenting your contact information in a visually appealing and unique way. By carefully selecting an image, customizing text, adding filters, and sharing your Contact Poster, you can make a lasting impression on potential contacts, clients, or colleagues. Embrace the power of Contact Posters, and watch as your digital networking experiences become more engaging and impactful than ever before.

10 AI Websites to Turn Photos into Videos


In today’s digital age, visual content reigns supreme, and the ability to seamlessly convert photos into videos is a valuable skill for content creators, marketers, and storytellers. Thanks to the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this transformation is now more accessible than ever before. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the top 10 AI-powered online apps that can effortlessly turn your static photos into captivating video narratives. Each of these applications boasts unique features, benefits, and pricing structures to cater to a wide range of creative needs. So, let’s explore the world of AI-driven creativity and discover how these remarkable tools can elevate your visual storytelling game.

10 Best AI Websites to Turn Photos into Videos

Here’s a table summarizing the top 10 AI apps to turn photos into videos:

No.AI AppRatingWhat’s Best
1Lumen5★★★★★AI-driven text-to-video transformation, extensive library of stock media, user-friendly interface
2FlexClip★★★★☆Versatile video creation capabilities, expansive library of templates, user-friendly interface
3Animoto★★★★☆High-quality, professional-looking video output, extensive music library, collaboration features
4Kapwing★★★★☆Versatile editing tools, no watermark on free version, collaboration features
5Clipchamp★★★★☆AI-powered video enhancement, stock media library, user-friendly interface
6Wondershare Filmora★★★★☆Advanced video editing capabilities, extensive effects and transitions, user-friendly interface
7InVideo★★★★☆AI-powered video creation, extensive media library, collaboration features
8Filmii by Wondershare★★★★☆AI-assisted video editing, user-friendly interface, access to templates and music
9Promo★★★★☆AI-assisted marketing videos, marketing-focused templates, user-friendly platform
10Canva★★★★☆AI-driven design suggestions, user-friendly interface, access to multimedia assets

Note: Ratings are based on user reviews and may vary over time. What’s considered “best” can vary depending on individual needs and preferences.

1. Lumen5: Elevate Your Text with Visuals

Introduction: Lumen5 is more than just an app; it’s a gateway to effortlessly turning your text content into captivating video presentations. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or someone eager to infuse life into your visual storytelling, Lumen5 is the AI-powered solution you’ve been searching for.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Lumen5:

  1. Sign up for a Lumen5 account: Begin your creative journey by registering for an account.
  2. Select a template: Choose from a variety of templates that suit your style and purpose.
  3. Upload your photos: Import your photos and arrange them in your desired sequence.
  4. Add text, music, and effects: Infuse vibrancy into your video by incorporating text, music, and effects.
  5. Preview and export: Review your creation and export it to share with your audience.

Features in Detail:

  • AI-driven text-to-video transformation: Lumen5’s AI algorithms analyze your text content to generate corresponding video scenes.
  • Access to an extensive library of stock media: Enhance your videos with images, videos, and music from Lumen5’s vast library.
  • User-friendly interface: Lumen5’s intuitive interface simplifies the creative process, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.

Pros in Detail:

  • Quick and easy conversion process: Lumen5 streamlines the photo-to-video transformation.
  • Abundant stock media resources: Access a wide range of stock assets to enhance your videos.
  • User-friendly platform: Ideal for beginners and those new to video creation.

Cons in Detail:

  • Limited customization options in the free version: While the free version is robust, premium features offer greater customization.

Pricing: Lumen5 offers both free and premium plans starting at $19 per month.

2. FlexClip: The Swiss Army Knife of Video Creation

Introduction: With FlexClip, you’re equipped with versatile video creation capabilities that allow you to effortlessly craft stunning videos from your photos and video clips. This online tool offers an extensive library of templates and customization options, making it a Swiss Army knife for content creators.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with FlexClip:

  1. Create a FlexClip account: Start your journey by creating an account with FlexClip.
  2. Choose a template: Select a template that resonates with your vision or start from a blank canvas.
  3. Upload your photos: Import your photos and arrange them as the building blocks of your visual narrative.
  4. Infuse personality: Enhance your video by adding text, music, and transitions.
  5. Preview and export: Review your masterpiece and export it to captivate your audience.

Features in Detail:

  • Versatile video creation capabilities: FlexClip offers tools suitable for a wide range of projects.
  • Expansive library of templates: Choose from an array of templates to inspire your creativity.
  • Intuitive user interface: FlexClip’s user-friendly platform simplifies the video creation process.

Pros in Detail:

  • Flexible editing and customization options: Tailor your video to match your creative vision.
  • Access to a variety of templates: A wide selection of templates provides inspiration.
  • Beginner-friendly: The platform is accessible for users of all skill levels.

Cons in Detail:

  • Limited access to premium features in the free version: Some advanced features are available only with a premium subscription.

Pricing: FlexClip offers both free and premium plans starting at $8.99 per month.

3. Animoto: Where Your Story Becomes Cinematic

Introduction: Animoto is an online video maker that harnesses AI to transform your photos and videos into professional-looking visual stories. With a plethora of templates and music options, it’s your ticket to cinematic visual storytelling.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Animoto:

  1. Sign up for an Animoto account: Kickstart your journey by registering for an account.
  2. Choose a template: Select a template that aligns with your vision or start your video creation from scratch.
  3. Upload your photos and videos: These form the canvas upon which your visual story will unfold.
  4. Elevate your video: Add text, music, and style to your video to make it uniquely yours.
  5. Preview and share: Review your creation and share it with the world to make a lasting impression.

Features in Detail:

  • High-quality, professional-looking video output: Animoto produces visually stunning videos suitable for various purposes.
  • Extensive music library: Access a vast collection of music tracks to enhance your videos.
  • Collaboration features: Collaborate seamlessly on team-based projects with Animoto.

Pros in Detail:

  • Effortless high-quality video creation: Animoto simplifies the process while delivering professional results.
  • Rich music library: Choose from a diverse selection of music tracks to complement your visuals.
  • Collaboration capabilities: Ideal for team-based projects where multiple contributors are involved.

Cons in Detail:

  • Watermark on videos: Videos created using the free version display an Animoto watermark.

Pricing: Animoto offers both free and premium plans starting at $15 per month.

4. Kapwing: Your All-Inclusive Online Video Editor

Introduction: Kapwing offers a suite of online video editing tools, including the ability to create videos from photos and GIFs. This versatile tool is a favorite among content creators.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Kapwing:

  1. Visit Kapwing’s website: Begin by accessing the Kapwing website.
  2. Start Editing: Click “Start Editing” and choose the “Video Montage” option.
  3. Upload your photos: Import your photos and arrange them creatively.
  4. Add text, music, and transitions: Infuse your video with text, music, and customize transitions.
  5. Preview and export: Review your video and export it for sharing.

Features in Detail:

  • Versatile editing tools: Kapwing offers a wide range of editing options for videos, images, and GIFs.
  • No watermark on free version: Unlike some competitors, Kapwing does not watermark videos created using the free version.
  • Collaboration features: Kapwing supports collaborative editing, making it suitable for team projects.

Pros in Detail:

  • Flexible editing options: Kapwing provides ample flexibility for customization.
  • No watermarks on videos in the free version: Free users can enjoy watermark-free creations.
  • Collaboration-friendly: Ideal for teamwork and shared projects.

Cons in Detail:

  • Limited access to premium features in the free version: Premium features require a subscription.

Pricing: Kapwing offers both free and premium plans starting at $20 per month.

5. Clipchamp: Elevate Your Videos with AI

Introduction: Clipchamp combines AI-powered features with an intuitive interface to enhance your photos and create engaging videos. It offers a stock library of assets to boost your creativity.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Clipchamp:

  1. Sign up for a Clipchamp account: Start by creating an account with Clipchamp.
  2. Choose a template: Select a template that suits your project or start from scratch.
  3. Upload your photos: Import your photos and arrange them to tell your visual story.
  4. Add text, music, and effects: Enhance your video by adding text, music, and custom effects.
  5. Preview and export: Review your video and export it for sharing.

Features in Detail:

  • AI-powered video enhancement: Clipchamp uses AI to enhance video quality and provide creative effects.
  • Stock media library: Access a library of stock assets, including videos, images, and music.
  • User-friendly interface: Clipchamp’s straightforward platform is designed for ease of use.

Pros in Detail:

  • AI-driven enhancements: Clipchamp’s AI features elevate video quality and creative possibilities.
  • Abundant stock media resources: Access a wide range of assets to enhance your videos.
  • User-friendly: The platform is beginner-friendly and suitable for all levels of expertise.

Cons in Detail:

  • Limited export options in the free version: The free version has some export limitations.

Pricing: Clipchamp offers both free and premium plans starting at $9 per month.

6. Wondershare Filmora: Advanced Video Editing Simplified

Introduction: Wondershare Filmora is a robust video editing software that combines advanced features with user-friendly design. It’s a favorite among video creators for its powerful capabilities.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Wondershare Filmora:

  1. Download and install Filmora: Begin by downloading and installing Wondershare Filmora on your computer.
  2. Import your photos: Launch Filmora and import your photos into the software.
  3. Create a new project: Create a new project and set the aspect ratio and resolution.
  4. Arrange your photos: Drag and drop your photos into the timeline in the desired sequence.
  5. Add transitions and effects: Enhance your video by adding transitions, text, music, and effects.
  6. Preview and export: Review your video and export it in your preferred format.

Features in Detail:

  • Advanced video editing: Filmora offers a wide range of advanced editing features, including keyframing, color correction, and more.
  • Extensive effects and transitions: Access a library of effects, transitions, and text templates to enhance your videos.
  • User-friendly interface: Despite its advanced capabilities, Filmora is designed with user-friendliness in mind.

Pros in Detail:

  • Advanced editing capabilities: Filmora provides advanced features for experienced video editors.
  • Rich library of effects: Access a wide variety of effects, transitions, and templates.
  • Intuitive interface: Despite its power, Filmora remains approachable for users of all levels.

Cons in Detail:

  • Paid software: Filmora is a paid software, which may not be suitable for those seeking free solutions.

Pricing: Wondershare Filmora offers various pricing plans, including a lifetime license, starting at $69.99.

7. InVideo: Transform Text into Videos with Ease

Introduction: InVideo is a versatile online video creation platform that makes it easy to transform text into engaging videos. Whether you’re a marketer or content creator, InVideo streamlines the video production process.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with InVideo: 1. Sign up for an InVideo account: Begin by creating an account on the InVideo platform. 2. Select a template or create from scratch: Choose from a selection of templates or start your video from scratch. 3. Add your photos: Upload your photos and arrange them in the desired order. 4. Add text, music, and effects: Enhance your video with text, music, and creative effects. 5. Preview and export: Review your video and export it for sharing with your audience.

Features in Detail:

  • AI-powered video creation: InVideo uses AI to assist in video creation and editing.
  • Extensive media library: Access a library of media assets, including images, videos, and music.
  • Collaboration features: Collaborate with team members on video projects.

Pros in Detail:

  • AI-assisted video creation: InVideo streamlines the video production process with AI.
  • Rich media library: Access a wide range of media assets to enhance your videos.
  • Collaboration-friendly: Ideal for team projects and collaborative video creation.

Cons in Detail:

  • Watermark on videos: Videos created using the free version may display an InVideo watermark.

Pricing: InVideo offers both free and premium plans starting at $20 per month.

8. Filmii by Wondershare: Effortless Video Creation for All

Introduction: Filmii by Wondershare is an AI-powered video editing tool that simplifies the video creation process. It’s designed for users of all levels, making it accessible to beginners and experienced editors alike.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Filmii:

  1. Download and install Filmii: Start by downloading and installing Filmii on your computer.
  2. Create a new project: Launch Filmii and create a new project with your preferred aspect ratio.
  3. Import your photos: Import your photos into the software and arrange them in the desired sequence.
  4. Add transitions and effects: Enhance your video with transitions, text, music, and effects.
  5. Preview and export: Review your video and export it in your preferred format.

Features in Detail:

  • AI-powered editing: Filmii’s AI analyzes your footage to assist in creating engaging videos.
  • Easy-to-use interface: Designed for users of all levels, Filmii offers a straightforward interface.
  • Templates and music library: Access templates and a music library to enhance your videos.

Pros in Detail:

  • AI-assisted editing: Filmii streamlines the video creation process with AI-powered features.
  • User-friendly interface: Approachable for beginners and those new to video editing.
  • Access to templates and music: Enhance your videos with templates and music from the library.

Cons in Detail:

  • Paid software: Filmii is a paid software, which may not suit those seeking free solutions.

Pricing: Filmii offers various pricing plans, including a lifetime license, starting at $44.99.

9. Promo: Elevate Your Marketing Videos with AI

Introduction: Promo is a versatile online video maker designed for marketers. It leverages AI to streamline the video creation process, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to enhance their online presence.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Promo:

  1. Sign up for a Promo account: Begin by creating an account on the Promo platform.
  2. Choose a template: Select a template that aligns with your marketing goals or start from scratch.
  3. Add your photos: Upload your photos and arrange them in a visually appealing sequence.
  4. Incorporate text and music: Enhance your video with text overlays, music, and effects.
  5. Preview and export: Review your marketing video and export it for use in your campaigns.

Features in Detail:

  • AI-driven video creation: Promo utilizes AI to assist marketers in creating compelling videos.
  • Marketing-focused templates: Access templates designed to meet marketing needs and objectives.
  • User-friendly platform: Promo’s platform is user-friendly, catering to marketers with varying levels of video production experience.

Pros in Detail:

  • AI-assisted marketing videos: Promo streamlines the process of creating marketing videos.
  • Marketing templates: Access templates tailored to marketing and promotional content.
  • User-friendly: The platform is designed with marketers in mind, prioritizing ease of use.

Cons in Detail:

  • Paid platform: Promo is primarily a paid platform, with limited free options.

Pricing: Promo offers various pricing plans, starting at $49 per month.

10. Canva: Design Meets Video Creation

Introduction: Canva is a well-known design platform that has expanded its capabilities to include video creation. It offers a user-friendly interface and AI-powered features to simplify video production.

Steps to Turn Photo into Video with Canva:

  1. Sign up for a Canva account: Start by signing up for a Canva account if you don’t have one.
  2. Select a template or create from scratch: Choose a video template or start with a blank canvas.
  3. Upload your photos: Import your photos and arrange them creatively.
  4. Add text, music, and effects: Enhance your video by incorporating text, music, and effects.
  5. Preview and export: Review your creation and export it for sharing.

Features in Detail:

  • AI-driven design suggestions: Canva’s AI provides design suggestions to enhance your visual content.
  • User-friendly interface: Canva’s intuitive platform is suitable for beginners and experienced designers.
  • Multimedia library: Access a library of multimedia assets, including photos, music, and videos.

Pros in Detail:

  • AI-powered design suggestions: Canva’s AI assists in creating visually appealing content.
  • User-friendly: The platform is known for its user-friendliness, making it accessible for all.
  • Access to multimedia assets: Canva offers a wealth of multimedia resources to enhance your creations.

Cons in Detail:

  • Limited access to premium features in the free version: Premium features require a subscription.

Pricing: Canva offers both free and premium plans starting at $12.99 per month.


In the age of visual communication, the ability to convert photos into videos is a valuable skill. The top 10 AI-powered apps featured in this guide offer a diverse range of features and cater to various creative needs. Whether you’re a marketer, content creator, or simply someone with a story to tell, these apps can help you transform static images into captivating video narratives.

From the AI-driven simplicity of Lumen5 to the versatile capabilities of Canva, these tools empower you to elevate your visual storytelling game. Consider your specific needs, budget, and the level of customization you require when choosing the right app for your projects.

As technology continues to evolve, the realm of visual storytelling will only expand. Embrace these AI-powered tools to unlock your creative potential and captivate your audience with compelling videos.


Q1. Can I use these AI apps on my mobile device? Many of the featured AI apps offer mobile versions or apps that can be downloaded on both iOS and Android devices. Be sure to check the app stores or the official websites of these apps for mobile compatibility.

Q2. Are there free versions available for these AI apps? Yes, several of the featured AI apps offer free versions with limited features or watermarked videos. Paid premium plans typically unlock advanced features and customization options.

Q3. Do I need prior video editing experience to use these apps? No, many of these AI apps are designed with user-friendliness in mind and cater to both beginners and experienced video creators. They often feature intuitive interfaces and templates to simplify the video creation process.

Q4. Can I use these apps for commercial purposes, such as marketing campaigns? Yes, many of these AI apps are suitable for commercial use, including marketing campaigns. However, it’s essential to review each app’s terms of use and licensing agreements to ensure compliance with your specific needs.

Q5. Do I need an internet connection to use these apps? Most of the featured AI apps are cloud-based, meaning you’ll need an internet connection to access and use them. However, some may offer limited offline capabilities.

Q6. Can I collaborate with others on video projects using these apps? Yes, several of these apps offer collaboration features that allow you to work on video projects with team members or collaborators. Check the individual app’s collaboration options for more details.

As technology continues to advance, the world of AI-driven visual content creation will only expand, offering even more exciting possibilities for content creators and storytellers. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning your journey in visual storytelling, these AI apps can be your creative companions, helping you transform static images into dynamic video narratives that captivate and engage your audience.

Top 20 YouTube Shorts Editing Apps for Quick and Engaging Content Creation


In the ever-evolving world of digital content, short-form videos have captured the hearts and minds of millions of viewers. Platforms like YouTube Shorts have gained massive popularity, enabling creators to express their creativity in bite-sized videos. To help content creators craft captivating and polished YouTube Shorts, we’ve curated a list of the 20 best YouTube Shorts editing apps.

20 Best YouTube Shorts editing apps

No.NameRatingApp URL
1Adobe Premiere Rush4.8/5Adobe Premiere Rush
12Alight Motion3.7/5Alight Motion
17Magi+: Magic Video Editor3.2/5Magi+

YouTube Shorts editing apps are essential tools for content creators and individuals who want to create engaging and visually appealing short-form videos for platforms like YouTube Shorts. Here are some reasons why one might need a YouTube Shorts editing app:

  1. Enhanced Creativity: YouTube Shorts editing apps provide a range of creative tools, effects, and features that allow creators to add a personal touch to their videos. These apps enable users to experiment with different visual elements, such as filters, transitions, and text animations, to make their videos stand out.
  2. Professional Quality: While YouTube Shorts are typically short in duration, quality matters. Editing apps offer features such as color correction, audio enhancements, and video stabilization, ensuring that even brief videos maintain a professional appearance.
  3. Attention-Grabbing Content: With the proliferation of short-form content on platforms like YouTube Shorts, it’s important to capture viewers’ attention quickly. Editing apps allow creators to add engaging effects and animations that make their videos more captivating and shareable.
  4. Storytelling: Even in short videos, storytelling is crucial. Editing apps provide tools for arranging footage, adding captions, and structuring content in a way that conveys a narrative effectively.
  5. Branding and Identity: For businesses and content creators aiming to establish a consistent brand identity, editing apps offer customization options for adding logos, watermarks, and other branding elements to videos.
  6. Social Media Sharing: YouTube Shorts editing apps often come with features that facilitate direct sharing to social media platforms. This streamlines the process of getting content in front of a broader audience.
  7. Accessibility: Editing apps often include features to add closed captions, which make videos more accessible to viewers with hearing impairments. This inclusivity is important for reaching a wider audience.
  8. Efficiency: Editing apps are designed to simplify the video editing process, allowing creators to make quick edits and enhancements without the need for advanced technical skills.
  9. Flexibility: YouTube Shorts editing apps cater to a range of users, from beginners seeking simplicity to experienced editors looking for advanced features. This flexibility ensures that there’s an app suitable for everyone’s needs.
  10. On-the-Go Editing: Mobile editing apps allow creators to edit their YouTube Shorts directly on their smartphones or tablets, providing flexibility to edit and publish content from anywhere.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting on your creative journey, these apps are sure to enhance your video editing experience.

1. Adobe Premiere Rush

Rating: 4.8/5

Reviews: Adobe Premiere Rush is a versatile editing tool that offers an array of features for both beginners and advanced users. With a user-friendly interface, it allows for seamless editing, color correction, audio enhancements, and more. Its integration with Adobe Creative Cloud adds to its appeal, enabling smooth cross-device workflows.

Pros: Intuitive interface, advanced editing capabilities, cross-device synchronization.

Cons: Some advanced features require a subscription.

Website: Adobe Premiere Rush

2. InShot

Rating: 4.7/5

Reviews: InShot is a popular mobile app that packs a punch with its user-friendly interface and essential editing tools. It offers a variety of filters, effects, and transitions, making it an ideal choice for quick video enhancements. The direct sharing feature to YouTube Shorts simplifies the publishing process.

Pros: Easy-to-use, rich filter collection, direct sharing to YouTube Shorts.

Cons: Limited advanced editing options.

Website: InShot

3. Kinemaster

Rating: 4.6/5

Reviews: Kinemaster provides a robust editing platform for mobile users. Its multi-layer support allows for more complex editing, while its vast library of effects and transitions adds a professional touch to videos. Real-time audio and video recording further enhance the editing experience.

Pros: Multi-layer editing, wide range of effects, real-time audio and video recording.

Cons: Watermark in the free version, occasional performance issues.

Website: Kinemaster

4. CapCut

Rating: 4.5/5

Reviews: CapCut, developed by ByteDance, the company behind TikTok, is an intuitive app offering advanced editing features like multi-layer editing, customizable text animations, and precise control over elements. It’s perfect for creators seeking a TikTok-esque touch in their YouTube Shorts.

Pros: TikTok-like effects, powerful editing capabilities, easy sharing to YouTube Shorts.

Cons: Some features might be overwhelming for beginners.

Website: CapCut

5. PowerDirector

Rating: 4.4/5

Reviews: PowerDirector offers a comprehensive editing experience with an impressive array of effects, transitions, and templates. Its AI-powered tools, such as motion tracking and video stabilization, elevate the editing process and save time for creators.

Pros: AI-powered features, wide selection of templates, 4K video support.

Cons: Learning curve for advanced features.

Website: PowerDirector

6. FilmoraGo

Rating: 4.3/5

Reviews: FilmoraGo is a user-friendly mobile app with a focus on simplicity and creativity. It offers a wide range of filters, transitions, and music options, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and casual editors.

Pros: Simple interface, creative templates, direct sharing to social media.

Cons: Limited advanced features for professional editing.

Website: FilmoraGo

7. VivaCut

Rating: 4.2/5

Reviews: VivaCut stands out with its advanced editing tools, including chroma keying, keyframe animation, and masking. It’s tailored for creators who want precise control over their edits and visual effects.

Pros: Advanced editing features, precise control over effects, multi-layer editing.

Cons: May be overwhelming for beginners, subscription required for some features.

Website: VivaCut

8. Quik

Rating: 4.1/5

Reviews: Quik, developed by GoPro, is perfect for creators who want to create YouTube Shorts without the hassle of complex editing. It offers automated video creation with its intelligent editing algorithms.

Pros: Automated editing, AI-powered video creation, easy sharing.

Cons: Limited customization compared to traditional editing apps.

Website: Quik

9. Funimate

Rating: 4.0/5

Reviews: Funimate is a social video editing app that focuses on adding fun effects and animations to your videos. It’s an excellent choice for creators aiming to make their YouTube Shorts stand out with vibrant visuals.

Pros: Fun effects and animations, direct sharing to social platforms.

Cons: Limited advanced editing features.

Website: Funimate

10. VideoLeap

Rating: 3.9/5

Reviews: VideoLeap offers a comprehensive editing experience with features like multi-layer editing, customizable text animations, and a variety of effects. Its intuitive interface is suitable for both beginners and more experienced editors.

Pros: User-friendly interface, multi-layer editing, effects library.

Cons: Some features require a subscription.

Website: VideoLeap

11. Magisto

Rating: 3.8/5

Reviews: Magisto is known for its AI-powered video editing capabilities. It analyzes your footage and creates engaging videos with minimal effort on your part, making it an excellent option for those with limited editing experience.

Pros: AI-powered editing, easy video creation, direct sharing.

Cons: Limited manual control compared to traditional editing apps.

Website: Magisto

12. Alight Motion

Rating: 3.7/5

Reviews: Alight Motion offers professional-grade animation and video editing features for both mobile and desktop platforms. It’s perfect for creators looking to add dynamic visual effects to their YouTube Shorts.

Pros: Animation capabilities, keyframe animation, direct sharing to social platforms.

Cons: Learning curve for complex animations.

Website: Alight Motion

13. Canva

Rating: 3.6/5

Reviews: While primarily known for graphic design, Canva also offers basic video editing tools. It’s a great choice for creators who want to add text, graphics, and simple animations to their YouTube Shorts.

Pros: Easy graphic and text overlay, direct integration with design features.

Cons: Limited video editing compared to dedicated apps.

Website: Canva

14. Splice

Rating: 3.5/5

Reviews: Splice provides a straightforward video editing experience with features like trimming, transitions, and text overlays. It’s suitable for creators who want to make quick edits to their YouTube Shorts.

Pros: Simple interface, basic editing tools, direct sharing.

Cons: Limited advanced features.

Website: Splice

15. WeVideo

Rating: 3.4/5

Reviews: WeVideo offers cloud-based video editing with collaborative features, making it a suitable choice for teams of creators. It provides a range of editing tools, effects, and templates.

Pros: Cloud-based editing, collaborative features, multiple export options.

Cons: Limited free plan, performance depends on internet connection.

Website: WeVideo

16. Filmigo

Rating: 3.3/5

Reviews: Filmigo offers a variety of creative tools for editing and enhancing YouTube Shorts. It includes features like transitions, music, and filters, making it a great choice for adding a personal touch to videos.

Pros: Creative tools, transitions, music library.

Cons: Limited advanced editing capabilities.

Website: Filmigo

17. Magi+: Magic Video Editor

Rating: 3.2/5

Reviews: Magi+ is known for its AI-powered video editing capabilities that help create stunning visual effects. It’s suitable for creators who want to add magic to their YouTube Shorts effortlessly.

Pros: AI-powered effects, magic effects library, direct sharing.

Cons: Limited customization compared to traditional editing.

Website: Magi+

18. BeeCut

Rating: 3.1/5

Reviews: BeeCut is a desktop video editing software that provides a wide range of features for creators aiming to enhance their YouTube Shorts. It includes options for cutting, splitting, and applying effects.

Pros: Desktop editing, multiple editing features, 4K support.

Cons: Limited free version features.

Website: BeeCut

19. YouCut

Rating: 3.0/5

Reviews: YouCut is a mobile video editing app that offers a straightforward editing experience. It includes features like cutting, trimming, adding text, and applying filters, making it suitable for quick edits.

Pros: Simple interface, basic editing tools, direct sharing.

Cons: Limited advanced features.

Website: YouCut

20. Clipchamp

Rating: 2.9/5

Reviews: Clipchamp is an online video editing platform that offers both basic and advanced editing features. It provides a range of templates, transitions, and effects for creators to enhance their YouTube Shorts.

Pros: Online editing, templates, direct sharing.

Cons: Limited advanced features in the free version.

Website: Clipchamp

In conclusion, these 20 YouTube Shorts editing apps offer a diverse range of tools and features to cater to creators of all skill levels. Whether you’re a mobile user seeking simplicity or a desktop user craving advanced editing capabilities, you’re sure to find an app that fits your creative needs. Remember that each app has its own strengths and weaknesses, so take the time to explore and choose the one that aligns with your editing style and content goals. Happy editing!

How to Crop Photos Online


Cropping is a basic photo editing technique that can be used to improve the composition, focus, and impact of an image. It can be done easily and quickly using a variety of online tools.

Visit https://www.iloveimg.com/crop-image upload your photo and crop the image as per your need!

In today’s visually driven world, photographs play an integral role in our personal and professional lives. Whether you’re sharing memories on social media or designing marketing materials, the need for well-cropped photos cannot be overstated. Luckily, there are numerous online tools available that can help you crop photos effortlessly and effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ten best online photo cropping websites, highlighting their unique features and advantages.

Here are the steps on how to crop photos online:

  1. Go to an online cropping tool. There are many free and paid options available.
  2. Upload your image. You can do this by dragging and dropping the file, or by entering the URL of the image.
  3. Select the area you want to crop. You can do this by dragging the crop handles, or by entering the desired dimensions.
  4. Click the “Crop” button.
  5. Save your cropped image.

Here are 10 of the best websites for cropping photos online:

  1. Canva. Canva is another popular free online photo editing tool that offers a variety of features, including cropping. It also has a large library of templates and graphics that you can use to create stunning images.

  2. Adobe Express. Adobe Express is a free online photo editing tool that offers a variety of features, including cropping. It also has a variety of templates and filters that you can use to further customize your images.

  3. Fotor. Fotor is a free online photo editor that offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing. It also has a variety of filters and effects that you can use to enhance your images.

  4. iPiccy. iPiccy is a free online photo editor that offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing. It also has a variety of drawing tools that you can use to create custom designs.

  5. Pixlr. Pixlr is a free online photo editor that offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing. It also has a variety of brushes and textures that you can use to create unique effects.

  6. Clipping Magic. Clipping Magic is a free online cropping tool that allows you to crop images to specific shapes and sizes. It also has a variety of editing tools that you can use to enhance your images.

  7. Img2Go. Img2Go is a free online image editing tool that offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing. It also has a variety of filters and effects that you can use to enhance your images.

  8. Photopea. Photopea is a free online photo editor that is similar to Adobe Photoshop. It offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing.

  9. BeFunky. BeFunky is a free online photo editor that offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing. It also has a variety of templates and filters that you can use to create stunning images.

  10. PicMonkey. PicMonkey is a free online photo editor that offers a variety of features, including cropping, resizing, and editing. It also has a variety of brushes and textures that you can use to create unique effects.


When choosing an online cropping tool, consider the following factors:

  • The features offered. Some tools offer more features than others, such as the ability to crop to specific shapes and sizes, or the ability to add filters and effects.
  • The ease of use. Some tools are easier to use than others.
  • The cost. Some tools are free, while others charge a fee.

Once you have chosen an online cropping tool, follow the steps above to crop your photos.

Here are some additional tips for cropping photos online:

  • Use the gridlines to help you align your crop.
  • Crop to the desired aspect ratio. This will ensure that your image looks good when it is displayed on different devices.
  • Save your cropped image in the desired format. This will ensure that your image retains its quality.

Cropping photos online is a quick and easy way to improve the look of your images. By following the tips above, you can easily crop your photos to perfection.

1. What is online photo cropping, and why is it important?

Online photo cropping involves resizing and adjusting the dimensions of an image to enhance its composition or to fit specific platforms. It’s important because it allows you to remove unnecessary elements, focus on the main subject, and create visually appealing images that grab viewers’ attention.

2. Are these online photo cropping tools free to use?

Most of the tools mentioned in the blog post offer free versions with basic features. However, some platforms might have premium plans that provide advanced features and options at a cost. Be sure to check the pricing details on their respective websites.

3. Can I crop images to specific aspect ratios for social media platforms?

Yes, many of these online photo cropping tools offer preset aspect ratios tailored for popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more. This makes it easy to ensure your images fit perfectly on these platforms without any distortion.

4. How do I maintain the image quality while cropping?

Maintaining image quality largely depends on the tool you’re using. Most of the platforms mentioned, especially those focused on image editing, employ algorithms to ensure minimal quality loss. However, it’s recommended to start with high-resolution images to maintain the best possible quality after cropping.

5. Can I crop multiple images simultaneously?

Yes, some platforms like iLoveIMG offer batch cropping capabilities, allowing you to process multiple images at once. This can save you a significant amount of time when dealing with large quantities of images.

6. Is any technical expertise required to use these tools?

No, most of these online photo cropping tools are designed with user-friendliness in mind. They offer intuitive interfaces and easy-to-understand features, making them suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

7. Are there alternatives to online photo cropping tools?

Yes, desktop photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop and GIMP also provide advanced cropping features. However, these tools often come with a steeper learning curve and might require a purchase or subscription.

8. Can I undo changes if I’m not satisfied with the cropping result?

Yes, many online photo cropping tools offer an “Undo” or “Reset” option that allows you to revert to the original image before making any changes permanent. This gives you the flexibility to experiment without worrying about losing your original image.

9. Do these tools offer additional editing features beyond cropping?

Yes, many of these platforms provide a range of editing features, such as filters, text overlays, color adjustments, and more. Some tools, like Canva and Pixlr, are known for offering comprehensive editing capabilities beyond cropping.

10. Are the images I upload to these platforms secure?

Most reputable online photo cropping platforms take user privacy and security seriously. However, it’s always a good practice to read their privacy policies and terms of use to understand how your data and images are being handled.

I hope this blog post was helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions.

How to use Bing Live Search on iPhone, Android, Windows, and Mac


Bing Live Search is a feature of the Bing search engine that allows you to search for information in real-time. This means that you can get results from the web as you type your query, without having to press enter.

Bing Live Search uses a variety of techniques to provide real-time results, including:

  • Predictive search: Bing uses your previous search history to predict what you are likely to search for. This allows Bing to provide results even before you have finished typing your query.
  • Autocomplete: Bing also uses autocomplete to suggest terms as you type your query. This can help you to find the right term more quickly.
  • Contextual search: Bing uses the context of your query to provide more relevant results. For example, if you are searching for a restaurant in your area, Bing will show you results for restaurants that are near you.

How to use Bing Live Search on iPhone

  1. Open the Bing app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on the search bar.
  3. As you type your query, you will see a list of suggested terms appear below the search bar.
  • The suggested terms are based on your previous search history, the context of your query, and the popularity of the terms.
  • You can tap on a suggested term to see more results.
  • If you don’t see the term you are looking for, you can continue typing your query.
  1. Once you have found the term you are looking for, you can tap on it to see the results.

How to use Bing Live Search on Android Phone

The steps for using Bing Live Search on Android phones are similar to the steps for using it on iPhone.

  1. Open the Bing app on your Android phone.
  2. Type your query in the search bar.
  3. As you type, you will see a list of suggested terms appear below the search bar.
  4. You can tap on a suggested term to see more results.
  5. Once you have found the term you are looking for, you can tap on it to see the results.

How to use Bing Live Search on Windows PC

  1. Go to the Bing website.
  2. Type your query in the search bar.
  3. As you type, you will see a list of suggested terms appear below the search bar.
  4. You can tap on a suggested term to see more results.
  5. Once you have found the term you are looking for, you can tap on it to see the results.

How to use Bing Live Search on Mac

  1. Open the Microsoft Edge browser on your Mac.
  2. Type your query in the address bar.
  3. As you type, you will see a list of suggested terms appear below the address bar.
  4. You can tap on a suggested term to see more results.
  5. Once you have found the term you are looking for, you can tap on it to see the results.

There are several benefits to using Bing Live Search, including:

  • Real-time results: Bing Live Search provides results in real time, so you can get the information you need as you need it.
  • More relevant results: Bing Live Search uses the context of your query to provide more relevant results. This means that you are more likely to find the information you are looking for.
  • Easy to use: Bing Live Search is easy to use. You can simply type your query and Bing will provide results.
  • What are some of the limitations of Bing Live Search?

There are a few limitations to Bing Live Search, including:

  • Not always accurate: Bing Live Search is not always accurate. Sometimes, the results that Bing provides are not relevant to your query.
  • Can be slow: Bing Live Search can be slow at times. This is especially true if you are using a slow internet connection.
  • Not available everywhere: Bing Live Search is not available everywhere. If you are not in a supported region, you will not be able to use Bing Live Search.

Can I use Bing visual search without internet?

No, you cannot use Bing Visual Search without the internet. Bing Visual Search uses a cloud-based service to analyze images and provide results. This means that you need to be connected to the internet in order to use Bing Visual Search.

However, there are some other image search engines that you can use without the internet. For example, Google Images has a feature called “offline search” that allows you to save images to your device so that you can view them later. You can also use the Google Photos app to search for images that you have saved to your device.

Here are some other image search engines that you can use without internet:

  • Yandex Images
  • TinEye
  • DuckDuckGo Images
  • Baidu Images

Bing Live Search is a powerful tool that can help you to find information quickly and easily. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of Bing Live Search before you use it.

I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

15 Best Manga Reader Apps [iPhone and Android]


Are you a manga enthusiast looking for the perfect app to read your favorite Manga series with iPhone or Android App on the go? With the increasing popularity of manga worldwide, numerous apps have emerged to cater to the needs of fans. From official publisher apps to third-party options, these apps offer extensive catalogs, user-friendly interfaces, and various reading features to enhance your manga experience. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 manga iOS and Android apps, complete with summaries, key features, pros, cons, prices, ratings, and download links. Let’s dive in and explore the best options available for all the manga lovers out there!

List of Best Manga Apps on iPhone

Here is the list of the 25 Best Manga Apps for your iPhone. I’ve listed them based on the availability of the Manga Titles, User Experience, Rating, and Size. Click on the Get button to download the Manga app from the iOS App Store.

No.NameRatingSizeiOS Link
1Manga Plus4.6/565.3 MBGet
2Crunchyroll Manga3.1/5104.4 MBGet
3VIZ Manga3.8/552.7 MBGet
4ComiXology4.6/584.6 MBGet
5Shonen Jump4.3/535.2 MBGet
6Manga Reader4.6/589.6 MBGet
7Manga Reader4.6/589.6 MBGet
8Mangamo4.5/5111.1 MBGet
9MangaToon4.4/5127.3 MBGet
10WebComics4.7/5130.5 MBGet
11Manga Box3.9/512.3 MBGet
12INKR Comics4.2/544.2 MBGet
13Manga Bird4.1/562.8 MBGet
14Manga Dogs4.5/545.4 MBGet
15Manga Life4.6/551.6 MBGet
16Manga Storm4.5/534.5 MBGet
17Manga Reader – Manga Viewer4.6/5108.1 MBGet
18MangaZone!4.4/556.8 MBGet
19Manga Rock (now INKR Comics)4.2/544.2 MBGet
20Manga Storm CBR4.1/515.9 MBGet
21Manga X Manga4.6/564.1 MBGet
22Manga GO4.6/577.6 MBGet
23Manga Reader!4.2/522.9 MBGet
24Manga Reader – Fox Manga4.4/593.8 MBGet
25Manga Hub4.5/552.9 MBGet

Bonus: You can also check out Anime Avatar Makers

List of best Manga Apps on Android

Here is the list of the 25 Best Manga Apps for your Android. I’ve listed them based on the availability of the Manga Titles, User Experience, Rating, and Size. Click on the Get button to download the Manga app from the Android Play Store.

No.NameRatingSizeApp Link
1Manga Plus4.6/57.9 MBGet
2Crunchyroll Manga3.7/521 MBGet
3VIZ Manga3.9/59.3 MBGet
4K Manga4.7/514 MBGet
5ComiXology4.1/519 MBGet
6Manga Zone4.2/514 MBGet
7Shonen Jump4.3/529 MBGet
8Manga Reader4.2/5VariesGet
9Mangamo4.4/521 MBGet
10MangaToon4.3/526 MBGet
11WebComics4.5/516 MBGet
12Manga Geek4.1/514 MBGet
13Manga Box4.1/510 MBGet
14INKR Comics4.2/529 MBGet
15Manga Bird4.5/511 MBGet
16Manga Dogs4.0/518 MBGet
17Manga Life4.1/512 MBGet
18Manga World4.4/513 MBGet
19Manga Master4.0/59.1 MBGet
20Manga Universe4.3/517 MBGet

1. K-Manga

K-Manga is a manga reader app that provides access to a wide range of manga series, This app just got released in the USA, including both popular titles and hidden gems. With a clean and user-friendly interface, the app offers a comfortable reading experience and features like bookmarks, favorites, and reading history for easy navigation.


Features: Extensive library, bookmarks, and reading history

Pros: User-friendly interface, diverse manga collection

Cons: iOS-only, no offline reading

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Rating: 4.6/5
iOS: K-Manga on App Store
Android: K-Manga on Android Store

Some Manga Titles available on K-Manga:

  • Ace of the Diamond
  • As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I’ll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the Worl
  • Attack on Titan
  • Bakemonogatari
  • BLAME!
  • Blue Lock
  • Cells at Work!
  • Chihayafuru
  • Days
  • Fairy Tail
  • Fire Force
  • InitialD
  • My Home Hero
  • Nodame Cantabile
  • Rent-a-Girlfriend
  • Shangri-La Frontier
  • Starving Anonymous Re:Velation
  • That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
  • The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity
  • The Fable
  • The Full-Time Wife Escapist
  • The Ghost in the Shell
  • The Heroic Legend of Arslan
  • The Quintessential Quintuplets
  • The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse
  • Tokyo Tarareba Girls
  • Witch Hat Atelier

2. Crunchyroll Manga

Crunchyroll Manga offers a vast library of popular manga titles, including simulpubs (simultaneous publications) for the latest releases. It provides a seamless reading experience with its user-friendly interface and the ability to customize reading settings.

Crunchyroll Manga

Features: Simulpubs and extensive catalog

Pros: Access to the latest releases, user-friendly interface

Cons: Requires subscription for full access, limited offline reading

Price: Free with in-app purchases; Subscription for premium access
Rating: 4.0/5
Website: Crunchyroll Manga
iOS: Crunchyroll Manga on App Store
Android: Crunchyroll Manga on Google Play

Some Available Manga Titles:

Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, and Space Brothers.

3. VIZ Manga

VIZ Manga is the official app from VIZ Media, offering an extensive catalog of popular manga series, including hits like Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. The app features high-quality scans and an easy-to-navigate interface, providing an enjoyable reading experience.

VIZ Manga

Features: Extensive catalog from VIZ Media

Pros: High-quality scans, popular titles

Cons: No simulpubs, limited offline reading

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Rating: 4.1/5
Website: VIZ Manga
iOS: VIZ Manga on App Store
Android: VIZ Manga on Google Play

4. Manga Plus by SHUEISHA

Manga Plus is the official app from Shueisha, featuring a large collection of popular manga series such as One Piece, My Hero Academia, and Demon Slayer. The app offers free access to the latest chapters and a user-friendly interface for smooth navigation.

Manga Plus by SHUEISHA

Features: Official Shueisha app with a large collection

Pros: Free access to latest chapters, popular series

Cons: Limited catalog compared to competitors, no offline reading

Price: Free
Rating: 4.5/5
Website: Manga Plus
iOS: Manga Plus on App Store
Android: Manga Plus on Google Play

5. Tachiyomi

Tachiyomi is an open-source manga reader app for Android devices, offering a highly customizable interface, a variety of sources, and an ad-free experience. The app supports third-party extensions to expand its library and offers extensive organization features.


Features: Open-source, highly customizable

Pros: Ad-free, third-party extensions support

Cons: Android-only, no official iOS version

Price: Free
Rating: 4.7/5 (based on GitHub stars)
Website: Tachiyomi
Android: Tachiyomi on GitHub

6. INKR Comics

INKR Comics is the successor to the popular Manga Rock app, offering a diverse catalog of manga, webtoons, and comics from various publishers. The app provides a smooth reading experience, customizable settings, and offline reading capabilities to cater to the needs of manga enthusiasts.

INKR Comics on Google Play

Features: Extensive library, offline reading, and customization options

Pros: Large collection of titles, user-friendly interface

Cons: Requires subscription for full access, limited free content

Price: Free with in-app purchases; Subscription for premium access

Rating: 4.2/5
Website: INKR Comics
iOS: INKR Comics on App Store
Android: INKR Comics on Google Play

7. ComiXology

ComiXology is a versatile digital comics platform that offers not only manga but also Western comics and graphic novels. With an extensive library from various publishers, ComiXology provides high-quality scans and a seamless reading experience through its user-friendly interface.


Features: Manga, Western comics, and graphic novels Pros: Large catalog, high-quality scans, cross-platform support

Cons: Requires subscription for unlimited access, limited free content

Price: Free with in-app purchases; Subscription for ComiXology Unlimited
Rating: 4.1/5
Website: ComiXology
iOS: ComiXology on App Store
Android: ComiXology on Google Play

8. Manga Reader

Manga Reader is a popular third-party app that aggregates content from various sources, providing users with an extensive collection of manga series. The app features a user-friendly interface, customization options, and offline reading capabilities.

Features: Multiple sources, customization, and offline reading
Pros: Extensive library, offline reading, user-friendly
Cons: May have legal and ethical concerns, potential for broken sources

Price: Free with ads
Rating: 4.2/5
Android: Manga Reader on Google Play

9. Mangamo

Mangamo is a subscription-based manga app offering a large collection of titles, including popular series and exclusive content. With a clean interface and high-quality scans, the app provides a premium reading experience for manga fans.


Features: Large catalog, exclusive content
Pros: High-quality scans, ad-free experience
Cons: Subscription-based, no free content

Price: $4.99/month with a 30-day free trial
Rating: 4.4/5
Website: Mangamo
iOS: Mangamo on App Store
Android: Mangamo on Google Play

10. MangaToon

MangaToon is a versatile app that offers not only manga but also webtoons and webcomics. The app features a colorful interface and provides daily updates, as well as support for multiple languages. Features: Manga, webtoons, and webcomics


Pros: Diverse content, daily updates, multiple language support
Cons: In-app coin system for unlocking content, some content quality may vary

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Rating: 4.3/5
Website: MangaToon
iOS: MangaToon on iOS
Android: MangaToon on Google Play

11. Manga Zone

Manga Zone is a third-party manga reader app that offers a vast library of manga titles from various sources. It features a clean interface, customization options, and a favorites list for easy access to your preferred series.
Features: Extensive library, favorites list, and customization
Pros: User-friendly interface, diverse manga collection
Cons: May have legal and ethical concerns, occasional ads
Price: Free with ads
Rating: 4.2/5
Website: Manga Zone
Android: Manga Zone on Google Play

12. Shonen Jump

Shonen Jump is the official app from VIZ Media dedicated to popular Shonen manga series, including hits like One Piece, Naruto, and My Hero Academia. The app offers free access to the latest chapters, a user-friendly interface, and high-quality scans.

Features: Official app with popular shonen series
Pros: Free access to the latest chapters, high-quality scans
Cons: Limited catalog, no offline reading
Price: Free
Rating: 4.3/5
Website: Shonen Jump
iOS: Shonen Jump on App Store
Android: Shonen Jump on Google Play

13. WebComics

WebComics is an app that offers not only manga but also webtoons, manhua, and webcomics. With a diverse catalog and support for multiple languages, the app provides a versatile platform for fans of various types of comics.

Features: Manga, webtoons, manhua, and webcomics
Pros: Diverse content, multiple language support
Cons: In-app currency system for unlocking content, some content quality may vary
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Rating: 4.5/5
Website: WebComics
iOS: WebComics on App Store
Android: WebComics on Google Play

14. Manga Geek

Manga Geek is a third-party manga reader app that aggregates content from various sources, providing users with an extensive collection of manga series. The app offers a user-friendly interface, offline reading capabilities, and a favorites list for easy access to your preferred titles.

Features: Multiple sources, offline reading, and a favorites list
Pros: Extensive library, offline reading, user-friendly
Cons: May have legal and ethical concerns, potential for broken sources Price: Free with ads
Rating: 4.1/5
Android: Manga Geek on Google Play

15. Manga Box

Manga Box offers a curated selection of manga series, updated daily to provide fresh content for its users. The app features a clean, user-friendly interface, and offers customization options to provide an enjoyable reading experience.

Features: Curated selection, daily updates, customization options
Pros: User-friendly interface, daily content updates, curated content
Cons: Smaller catalog compared to competitors, limited offline reading
Price: Free with in-app purchases
Rating: 4.1/5
Website: Manga Box
iOS: Manga Box on App Store
Android: Manga Box on Google Play

91+ Useless Websites – Take me to the useless websites


It is an absolute truth that the internet is made up of thousands and millions of websites and other online properties that impart some information to its visitors. However, there are some weirdoes you’ll see when you ask the internet “Take me to the useless websites“, who put up websites that are utterly useless and random. But, if you may ask, why exactly I am writing about the most useless websites in 2023? Probably, I am that one weirdo of a lot of writers on the internet. These are good websites to waste your time and I’ve written other ways also for you like Downloading free movies, Playing free games online, Downloading music for free, and more.

List of Most Useless Websites

Useless websites are websites that serve no practical purpose and are designed purely for entertainment or as a way to waste time. These websites typically have little or no practical value and are created for the sole purpose of providing a few moments of amusement or distraction. Some examples of useless websites include:

  1. The Useless Web – a website that takes you to random, useless websites with the click of a button.
  2. Pointless Sites – a collection of websites that have no real purpose or value.
  3. Heeeeeeeey – a website that simply displays the word “heeeeeeeey” in different fonts and colors.
  4. Koalas to the Max – a website where you click on colored circles to reveal a picture of a koala.
  5. The Quiet Place – a website that encourages visitors to take a few minutes of silence and relaxation.

While these websites may not have any practical use, they can be a fun way to take a break and have some mindless entertainment.

If you still ask me “Take me to the useless websites”, below are the top-rated Useless and useful websites to kill your boredom.

Website NameRatingWebsite Link
The Useless Web10/10https://theuselessweb.com/
Bored Button10/10https://www.boredbutton.com/
TED Talks9/10https://www.ted.com/
NASA Image and Video Library9/10https://images.nasa.gov/
Project Gutenberg9/10https://www.gutenberg.org/
Open Culture9/10https://www.openculture.com/
Archive of Our Own9/10https://archiveofourown.org/
BBC Earth9/10https://www.bbcearth.com/
Stack Overflow9/10https://stackoverflow.com/
Bored Panda8/10https://www.boredpanda.com/
Mental Floss8/10https://www.mentalfloss.com/
The Oatmeal8/10https://theoatmeal.com/
Window Swap8/10https://www.window-swap.com/
Radio Garden8/10http://radio.garden/
The Museum of Online Museums8/10http://www.coudal.com/moom/
The Moth8/10https://themoth.org/
The Awesomer8/10https://theawesomer.com/
Khan Academy8/10https://www.khanacademy.org/
Zen Habits8/10https://zenhabits.net/
Not Always Right8/10https://notalwaysright.com/
The Onion8/10https://www.theonion.com/
The Moth Radio Hour8/10https://themoth.org/radio
Atlas Obscura8/10https://www.atlasobscura.com/
The New York Times8/10https://www.nytimes.com/
Brain Pickings8/10https://www.brainpickings.org/
Radio Paradise8/10https://radioparadise.com/
A Soft Murmur7/10https://asoftmurmur.com/
Coolmath Games7/10https://www.coolmathgames.com/
This is Sand7/10https://thisissand.com/
Draw a Stickman7/10https://www.drawastickman.com/
Zoom Quilt7/10https://zoomquilt.org/
Eel Slap7/10https://eelslap.com/
Little Alchemy7/10https://littlealchemy.com/
Virtual Piano7/10https://virtualpiano.net/
Clicker Heroes7/10https://www.clickerheroes.com/
100,000 Stars7/10https://stars.chromeexperiments.com/
Classic Cat7/10https://www.classiccat.net/
Classic Game Room7/10https://classicgameroom.com/
Cool Math Games7/10https://www.coolmathgames.com/
I Waste So Much Time7/10https://iwastesomuchtime.com/
The Awesomer7/10https://theawesomer.com/
Mental Floss7/10https://www.mentalfloss.com/
Draw a Stickman7/10http://www.drawastickman.com/
Name That Color7/10http://chir.ag/projects/name-that-color/


Useless websites

Most Useless Websites in 2023 in Detail

What is that common factor that attracts all of us to these random and useless websites? Probably, it’s best to ignore these factors and look into the light hearted-ness escape they offer us each and every single time we visit them. Here is my list of 29 useless websites that you must visit.

1. ZoomQuilt – #1 Useless Website

Zoom Quilt

Just look!

Is traveling your passion? Quench your thirst for traveling on ZoomQuilt. It has nothing but awesomely created images of places which zooms in one after another – ideal for ones who are zoned out. Creepy is the word for some of the zoom in scenes. And I can’t say this as a useless website but a good website to try out to waste time.

Go to Zoom Quilt

2. Koalasto Thermax – #2 Useless Website

Koalasto Thermax

Swipe the circles!

Not sure what the developer was thinking while putting up this random website, but, hats off to his thoughts. When you open the portal you will come across a big random circle and upon moving your cursor or swipe on it, the circle breaks into 4 smaller circles. You can go on and on breaking circles into 4 and next 4 and so on. What really surprised me was the final design of the whole scheme of things. If you are an artist, you might definitely want to try this.

Go to Koalasto Thermax

Although classifying this website as a useless might be rude, but I am putting it on this list solely for you to try it.

3. Bored Button – #3 Useless Website

Click on the Button!

Do not expect much, except for a button that takes you to different activities when clicked on the red button. I just hope you don’t get bored, clicking the bored button.

Go to Bored Button

4. Eel Slap – #4 Useless Website

eel slap useless and pointless website

Swipe to Slap!

Have you ever tried slapping someone with an eel, yes the same eel that sparks with electricity? You will find an image of a person and you can keep slapping with an eel as long as you want. For some it might come out as a stress buster, but, I found it to be awfully useless.

Go to Eel Slap

If you do not have anything else to do and your time is as useless as this website, do check it out.

5. Paper Toilet – #5 Useless Website

Paper Toilet

Swipe the Papers!

Keep rolling the toilet paper as long as you want. Next time you run out of toilet paper, do pull out your phone and start rolling until your wife passes a roll for you and thats why this website ranks in Top 10 of our Useless websites.

Go to Paper Toilet

6. Most Exclusive Website

Most Exclusive Website

This random website will make you special for it allows only one visitor at any point in time for 60 seconds. You get a ticket when you are done. It also displays no of people waiting to get on the website and how much time people have wasted waiting to get on it.

Go to Exclusive Websites

7. Tholman Texter

Tholman texter

This one is interesting indeed. On the screen select from text styles, fonts, and size and randomly move your cursor. See the magic unwinding.

Go to Tholman Texter

8. That’s The Finger

Thats the Finger

Tilt your Phone!

Give that middle finger that you always wanted to. Move your cursor up to offend someone and down to pull up your index finger. Probably, whatever you do on this website, it is you who is going to get offended. Check it out.

Go to thats the finger

9. Staggering Beauty

This is one of my favorites for sure. On this useless website, you will find what looks like a rod-shaped jelly or blubber that follows the mouse pointer. It might look normal for some, but the game starts when you shake your mouse pointer vigorously. Try doing it once; you will see what is waiting for you. Whether you call it a useless weird website or not, but, it definitely blew my mind.

Go to Staggering Beauty

10. I Look Like Barack Obama

Here comes the 10th useless website by a random guy, who feels he looks like Barack Obama, compares himself with the former president. Images of both juxtaposed for comparison. Thank god for Michelle chose the actual one.

Go to I look like Obama

11. R33B

R33B - Get Hypnotized By A Toad

A crazy large eyed frog thinks it can hypnotize you with its eyes and some random background haunting score. Do visit to check if you are lame enough to be hypnotized by this amphibious being.

Go to Hypnotoad

12. EndLess Horse

If scrolling up and down on a website is your favorite past time, a must check out. You will find a horse with infinitely long legs, which grows as you scroll down and down.

Go to Endless Horse

13. Patience is Virtue

As expected, you will be made to wait for eternity on this random and really useless website. Hint: It’s a buffering icon that hates to load the website for you.

Go to Patience is Virtue

14. Falling Falling

A series of colored screens falling endlessly with a score which for me seemed like a plane about to crash, but actually, never do. Wish I could tell you the intent behind this useless portal, but definitely, the creator was falling into the abyss.

Go to Falling Falling

15. Zombo

On this weird and creepy website, you will hear a thick voice, with a 70’s techno music in the background narrating the importance of being on zombo.com. With a couple of random circles, it can get annoying for some. Funny is the word for it!

Go to Zombo

16. Heman Sings

Heman Sings and Dances

A must watch for all fans of this 80’s hero character – Heman. If you have never seen a superhero singing in a high pitch voice, while dancing utterly stupid moves, visit these guys.

Go to Heman sings

17. Chicken on the Raft

Chicken On the Raft

This website definitely qualifies to be a useless one. You will notice an image of a chicken on a raft and a timer saying for how long the chicken has been on the raft it. Interestingly, the background music is a real party song, which you must play next time when you are a couple of beers down with your friends.

Go to Chicken on the Raft

18. Corn Dog

Weird this random website might seem, but you are assured of witnessing a corndog on another corndog on a plate with some mustard dipping. Check it out at your own risk for I am not going to promise usefulness on this website for sure.

Go to Corn Dog

19. OMG Laser Guns Pew Pew Pew

OMG Laser Guns Pew Pew Pew

Oh man! Playing with laser guns, collecting nuts and shooting the guy with weird hair (you know whom I am talking about) can be fun. You as a squirrel with a laser gun, just Pew Pew Pew to get some points on your side.

Go to Omg Lazer Gun

20. Map Crunch

Map Crunch

Choose any location on the planet and visit the place as if you are there. Navigate across the streets and check out places. Why waste your money on flights and hotels when you can have fun on your screen! Duh!

Go to Map Crunch

21. The World’s Worst Website Ever

I so wish I had not visited this. Not really sure what is happening here. If you are that guy who feels homesick when there is too much order, make sure you have enough bandwidth to visit this portal.

Go to Worst Website ever

22. Is My Computer On?

Know if your computer is on. I am mind blown by the accuracy of the answer made available. It’s 100% accurate all the time.

Go to Is My Computer ON

23. OMFG Dogs


Cheap techno music with a variety of happy dogs running towards you is the name of the game. Not sure if you have stolen something from them.

Go to OMFG Dogs

24. TryPap

Create a password and let the algorithm comment on it. It cannot get weirder than this. Some comments can ache your stomach.

Go to Try PAP

25. Grandpa No Clothes

Ever saw Grandpa without clothes? This is your last chance. Don’t look at me, go ahead and lose your appetite. this is 18+ and the worst ever useless website.

Go to Grandpa No Clothes

26. Much Better Than This

Can you kiss like this? Or better.

Go to Much Better than this

27. Pixels Fighting

A laboratory with two colored bacteria teams fighting with each other. Sorry to say this, but there are no winners here.

Go to Pixels Fighting

28. bacon sizzling

Go here to see jaw opening bacon sizzling in a pan, I can see this for hours :O this is the best useless and pointless website you have ever seen.

Go to Bacon Sizzling

29. BeesBeesBees

Reminds me of that scene from ‘The Mummy’ where you have moths all around the city. Same here as well, instead of months its bees everywhere. The location changed too! This time it’s Oprah Show.

Go to Bees Bees

Take me to the useless websites

Except for one or two, most of these random websites can be categorized as useless for we would not lose much without them. However, the internet is on the verge of getting a lot less interesting each passing day, with these useless websites our fight against being simple and monotonous. Show us your best useless websites to try this 2023 in the comments.

What are useless websites?

Useless websites are websites that have no practical purpose or value. They are typically designed purely for entertainment or as a way to waste time, and serve no real function.

Why do people create useless websites?

People create useless websites for a variety of reasons, including to express creativity, to provide entertainment or humor, or simply as a way to experiment with web design and coding.

Are useless websites harmful?

Useless websites are generally harmless and pose no real threat to users. However, some may contain content that is inappropriate or offensive, so it’s always important to use caution when browsing the internet.

Do useless websites waste time?

Yes, useless websites are designed to waste time and provide a distraction from work or other activities. They are often used as a way to take a break or relieve stress.

Are there any benefits to using useless websites?

While useless websites have no real practical value, they can be a fun and entertaining way to pass the time and provide a brief respite from the stresses of daily life. They can also be a way to explore the creative side of web design an